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The wood recovered from the waters becomes an art exhibition

The wood recovered from the waters becomes an art exhibition

    Today, ecological approaches to art and nature are very varied. From raising awareness to militancy, representations of environmental issues are everywhere in art fairs and exhibitions. Through their…

EcoArt 2023: photography between heaven and hell

EcoArt 2023: photography between heaven and hell

    Motto: Man, this possessed king, as Pascal calls him, is condemned to slip over things. There is an essential difference between knowing and naming, even if the latter…

Interestingness 2023 – trends in the visual arts

Interestingness 2023 – trends in the visual arts

  Just as life desperately clings to survival, art constantly pursues human society. Many voices lament a certain decay of the contemporary cultural quality, including the visual arts, but the…

Lowbrow Art, a surrealism „à la pauvre”? (Lowbrow Art, un suprarealism „à la pauvre”?)

Lowbrow Art, a surrealism „à la pauvre”? (Lowbrow Art, un suprarealism „à la pauvre”?)

    Lowbrow (English) – adjective (mainly), disapproving, unassuming, not complicated or requiring much intelligence to understand; art that is not serious and is intended for people who do not…

The painter who defeated ancestral fears (Pictorul care a învins spaimele ancestrale)

The painter who defeated ancestral fears (Pictorul care a învins spaimele ancestrale)

    The painter who defeated ancestral fears The Chilean artist Guillermo Lorca García Huidobro, born in 1984 and currently living in Barcelona, thinks, feels and works in a manner…

The perfect illustration of the concept of existentialism

The perfect illustration of the concept of existentialism

  The artist Alex Plechko builds through his creations a metaphysics of the image that could always illustrate the existentialist philosophy. The sober monochrome accentuates the strong visual impact, the…

Mystery books written or not yet written – Cărţi misterioase scrise sau nescrise încă

Mystery books written or not yet written – Cărţi misterioase scrise sau nescrise încă

  In a long and painstaking work, the hand armed with the graphite pencil, brush or nib bent over the paper. The effort to revive the fantastic in an era…

O frământată romanţă postmodernă: Jeff Koons şi Ilona Staller (Cicciolina) – A turbulent postmodern romance: Jeff Koons and Ilona Staller (Cicciolina)

O frământată romanţă postmodernă: Jeff Koons şi Ilona Staller (Cicciolina) – A turbulent postmodern romance: Jeff Koons and Ilona Staller (Cicciolina)

    A turbulent postmodern romance: Jeff Koons and Ilona Staller (Cicciolina) What can contemporary sculpture and porn movies have in common? It can intensify the desire for freedom and…

Hirosi Nagare ( ながれ ひろし) and the rhetoric of Japanese abstractionism

Hirosi Nagare ( ながれ ひろし) and the rhetoric of Japanese abstractionism

  Hirosi Nagare ( ながれ ひろし) and the rhetoric of Japanese abstractionism   The brush of Japanese artists moves with the precision of a watchmaker and the ease of a…

Quo Vadis Gloria Artes (Where is contemporary art going?)

Quo Vadis Gloria Artes (Where is contemporary art going?)

  Motto: Artists for Future” with the message: WHAT DO WE WANT? Trends, styles, trends and ideas about contemporary art     In a novel by Pascal Bruckner (The Divine…